There will not be a picture to go with this post since the network is wonky, thanks to me working on a tablet rather than my netbook. It has to do with how I set that tablet up. Though I would plug the notion that the Internet gods favour BBC copyright and given me WiFi issues with the tablet as karma, were I to be more dishonest...
After watching the Magician's Apprentice and the Witch's Familiar,the two part introduction that begins Series 9, I am going to ask one question: who is referenced by their titles?
Yes,that is right. It is the Impossible girl, Clara Oswald.
A funny thing happened before I had to write this article: I deleted the rewrite of my previous in which I waxed about her.
Not that I am smitten by Clara but because I keep abreast of the news about her that shall play out in Episode 9 am I going about her at all.
Since Danny Pink's death in the last two episodes of Series 8, she's gotten cocky. She has lied to the Doctor (and he, to her), and to Cybermen to delay her death; she also has played along with Missy to prevent the death of the Doctor at Davros' home planet, and even had time to explain to us late last season that batty young girls don't need meds; they need to be listened to, because they might just help find a lost family member. Heck, they might be trying to tell us that the Earth has its protectors besides the Doctor.
In any case, we now know that Clara is becoming as fearless and mighty as the Doctor. Maybe that's because the death of The One changes the Lover. Catechism ought to have taught the ones who have endured it about the truth of this.
As for the rest of us, Series 9 shall do just that! How do I know? Spoilers. 😉
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